I am not currently teaching ASL3350: Consecutive Interpreting.

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Performance Rubric


Spoken English to American Sign Language

This tool is provided as a simple method/rubric to determine the equivalency and success of a produced signed interpretation work. Type in the candidate’s name and use the slider to determine his/her performance in the category. When your assessment is completed, print the screen to a PDF or to a printer. Ensure all areas are scored. Unmarked areas will be scored as a ‘1.’

The interpreter appropriately uses space and classifiers to convey meaning.
The interpreter uses spatialization, referential indexing, classifiers, directional verbs, appropriate numbering systems, etc. to convey meaning.

The interpreter produces signs accurately.
The interpreter produces individual signs consistent with the four parameters of signs: 1) location, 2) handshape, 3) movement, and 4) orientation.

The interpreter produces appropriate fingerspelling.
The interpreter uses fingerspelling for proper nouns that are context specific, do not have a specific sign equivalent, or would not be used within the semantic range of the interpreted work. Fingerspelling is produced at a clear and acceptable rate based on standards within the Deaf community.

The interpreter delivers the interpretation clearly and fluently.
The interpreter delivers a readable message that reflects signing proficiency. The signing rate is consistent with native users. The interpreter effectively retrieves signs and shows a sufficient degree of mastery of the interpreting process.

The interpreter applies semantic range appropriately and effectively.
The interpreter’s sign choices are consistent with the English meaning of the word(s) within the given context. Sign choices are consistent with native usage of the chosen language.

The interpreter’s behaviors and appearance reflect professional standards.
The interpreter has no distracting factors (i.e., dress, jewelry, fingernail polish, facial hair, etc.) or behaviors which impede receiving the message. The manner, style, and appearance of the interpreter are comfortable to observe and reflect professional standards.

The interpreter uses a register range appropriate for the speaker and setting.
The interpreter uses a level of formality — in both the form of the message and its delivery — which is consistent with the speaker and the setting.

The interpreter conveys speaker mood and intent.
The interpreter maintains the speaker’s overall intent, or range of intent. Additionally, the speaker’s style, mood of delivery, and affect are evident within the interpretation.

The interpreter uses appropriate facial expression.
The interpreter’s facial expressions are consistent with the linguistic norms of the Deaf community. Additionally, the interpreter uses facial expression to convey the speaker’s mood and intent.

The interpreter delivers the message in a cohesive manner.
The interpreter appropriately uses cohesive devices such as topic shifts, transition markers, and relational markers to create a visually cohesive message.

The interpreter delivers an overall message equivalent to the source message.*
The message given by the interpreter conveys the same meaning as was given in the source language. The message would be understood by most members of the Deaf community.