I am not currently teaching ASL3370: Sign to Spoken English Interpreting.
Please note: All information currently available on this site represents work and due dates relevant to a previous semester/course. Please check back during later semesters for updated information on this course. Thank you.Please use http://intrpr.info/3370-fa19 for the Fall 2019 semester. Thank you.
About This Course
This course is an introduction to the process and skills required to produce unidirectional signed-to-spoken English language interpretations between Deaf and nondeaf people. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- incorporate practical applications of non-judgmental language (Colonomos, Witter-Merrithew, et al.) in evaluating personal and colleague work product
- identify and incorporate a best-practice taxonomy of competencies and processes required to produce sign-to-spoken language interpretations
- demonstrate and self-monitor basic abilities required to create sign-to-spoken language interpretations of rehearsed and/or spontaneous texts:
- understand how principles of the Demand-Control Schema (DC-S) can undergird ethical and best-practice interpreting decisions
- increase competent usage of spoken English as source (sL) and target language (tL)
- describe and apply the cognitive tasks of pegging, chunking, linking, and monitoring to understand a discourse
- understand how dual-tasking and cognitive load theory impacts spoken language interpretation
- incorporate practical applications of non-judgemental language (Colonomos, Witter-Merrithew, et al.) in personal and colleague work product
- recognize and produce equivalent spoken interpretations given variations in features and parts of message (register, tone, affect, voice, power/less language (Morgan, in Hauser 2008)
- understand and develop practical skills for working in a team dynamic
- recognize and properly address language difference in various genres (comedy, dramatic, age-appropriate, academic, legal, medical, literary/poetic, religious, entertainment, etc.)
- identify impacts on and incorporation of semantic choice, register, and ethical behavioral decisions in consecutive interpretations
- Demonstrate and apply best practice principles in team interpreting work (feeding, assisting, providing feedback, handling logistics)
A significant portion of this course requires self-directed efforts (asychronously working with other teammates) and fairly good command of web-based technologies and learning environments (video creation, salient discussion, and reporting skills; we’ll discuss this more in class).
This course requires a one-hour per week lab criteria; students should expect to spend at least an hour a week on skill-building exercises in a language laboratory setting.

What others have said about this course:
“...The feedback from my interpreting in class was so valuable and it allowed me to learn of patterns in my work that I could work on...”
“...This has been my all-time favorite class at UVU. I loved the format of the class and felt like I left class each time with an increased knowledge or confidence in something...”
“...[T]he class is...tailored to the questions being posed in class and the skill level of the individual students.”
“...I really enjoy the safety of the class... when I make mistakes, I don't feel that my pride/ego has been abused.”
“...[T]his class... really changed how I feel about interpreting. I was pushed just the right amount.”
“...I learned a lot about processing and dual-tasking. It was helpful when [we] discussed the process that takes place in our brain while interpreting.”