I am teaching ASL 3330: Cross-Cultural Communication and Interpreting during the Fa20 semester.
Please note: All information currently available on this site represents work and due dates relevant to a previous semester/course. Updated information for Fa20 students will be available in Canvas.About This Course
This course is an continuation of ASL 3310, an introduction to signed language (SL) interpreting theory and bidirectional (ASL-to-English and English-to-ASL) interpreting between Deaf and nondeaf people.
While we discuss issues germane to the interpreting field, this course focuses more heavily on 1) interpreting with special emphasis on intercultural communication, and 2) the development of language understanding with respect to intercultural communication. (This is not an “interpreting” class, per se; the groundwork for producing interpreting work begins in ASL3350: Consecutive Interpreting and in the Language Lab.)
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- understand and deconstruct foundational, historical, global theories of ‘culture’ and intercultural communication studies (chapters 2–3)
- understand and distinguish unique cultural features and behaviors of American Deaf and nondeaf people (chapters 4–6)
- ascertain reasons for cultural differences and then describe and apply teachniques for creating equivalent cultural adjustments (Mindess, 2006) in interpretations (chapters 8–11, 13)
- understand how technology and interpreting trends affect cultural climates (chapters 7, 12)
- develop fundamental linguistic skills and reasoning and then create equivalent meanings between spoken English and American Sign Language (in-class discourse analysis and praxis)
In addition, this course will help prepare candidates to take the Utah State and/or RID NIC written examination.
Looking for a class where you begin producing interpreting work? Try ASL3350: Consecutive Interpreting.