I am not currently teaching Introduction to Interpreting (ASL3310).
Please note: All information currently available on this site represents work and due dates relevant to a previous semester/course. Please check back during later semesters for updated information on this course. Thank you.Course Schedule
(This schedule and related class downloads are subject to change without notice. You are responsible for knowledge of any changes.) Text: Stewart, D.A., Schein, J.D., & Cartwright, B.E. (2004). Sign Language Interpreting: Exploring Its Art and Science, 2nd ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon.
Textbook available from UVU Bookstore, Amazon, half.com, Campusbooks; compare prices at AllBookstores
Semester Calendar
(This schedule is subject to frequent changes and updates; please check back often.)
Monday, January 9
Wednesday, January 11
What is interpreting?
Easy answer, right? Isn’t it just signing at the same time other people are talking? Hardly. In this unit, we’ll take a look at a functional definition of interpreting (Cokely, 2000) and some of the skills required to make it happen.
Due 14 January: Chapter 1 Outline
Wednesday, January 14
Practice professions
Although there are definite overlaps, practice professions are different from technical professions in that there is constant and imperative interaction with all participants in a sign language intepreting event. Let’s learn how.
Wednesday, January 16
Monday, January 21
Wednesday, January 23
Historical evidences of interpreting
As one might expect, interpreting and sign language intepreting have a considerable history. Let’s look at a timeline of noted events and historically important events that have shaped both professions.
Due 16 January: Chapter 2 Outline due
Monday, January 28
Wednesday, January 30
Cognitive and interactive models of interpreting
Various historical models allow us to view the complex interpreting process and analyze how language, message, and intent is communicated. Let’s take a little bit of time to learn about differing models and processes of interpretation work.
Due 28 January: Chapter 3 Outline due
Monday, February 4
Wednesday, February 6
Physical factors of interpreting
In the framework of an interactive model of interpreting, an interpreting has many physical limitations or ‘demands.’ Let’s learn about constraints and demands on the physical component of interpreting.
Due 4 February: Chapter 4 Outline due
Due 6 February: Annotated Bibliography 1 due
Monday, February 11
Exam 1
Exam Covers information learned in Units 1, 2, 3, and 4
Wednesday, February 13
Monday Tuesday, February 19
Psychological factors of interpreting
Also in the framework of an interactive model of interpreting, an interpreting has psychological limitations and ‘demands.’ Let’s learn about constraints and demands on the psychology of participants in an interpreting event.
Due 13 February: Chapter 5 Outline due
Wednesday, February 20
Monday, February 25
Varieties of interpreting settings
Sign language interpreting is a social event that takes place in social settings. Let’s have a look what idiosyncrasies exist in legal, medical, mental health, entertainment, and religious settings. (We’ll save educational and K–12 interpreting for another unit discussion.)
Due 20 February: Chapter 6 Outline due
Wednesday, February 27
Monday, March 4
Language and culture
The most visible component of signed language interpreting, language is temporally and socially defined; based on perceptions and evolving semantics, words and signs can change rapidly. Let’s understand the etymologies of signed languages and manual codes and discuss how they can be pronounced and produced.
Due 27 February: Chapter 7 Outline due
Wednesday, March 7
Exam 2
Exam Covers information learned in Units 5, 6, and 7.
Monday, March 18
Wednesday, March 20
The business of interpreting
Sign language interpreting is a paid and competitive endeavor and professional credentials are required to work in the field. Let’s discuss interpreter demography, legal statutes that enable interpreter provision, understand types of credentials and certifications, and learn about how to market oneself in a competitive environment.
New A discussion about RID’s controversial 2015 changes to its certification process.
Due 18 March: Chapter 8 Outline due
Due 20 March: Annotated Bibliography 2 due
Monday, March 25
Wednesday, March 27
Monday, April 1
The ethics of interpreting
Sign language interpreting encourages high performance standards and governs inappropriate behaviors through codes of conduct. Let’s discuss the modern evolution of the Code of Professional Conduct (2005) and its centrality to the profession of sign language interpreting.
Due 25 March: Chapter 9 Outline due
Wednesday, April 3
Monday, April 8
Interpreting in K–12 settings
Educational interpreting is arguably the largest domain of interpreting practice and most interpeters will find themselves working in education settings at one time or another in their careers. Let’s look at how education interpreting may differ from interpreting in other settings.
Due 3 April: Chapter 10 Outline due
Wednesday, March 7
Exam 3
Exam Covers information learned in Units 8, 9, and 10.
Monday, April 15
Trends and the future of interpreting; producing interpretations
What will interpreting look like in five years? Ten years? Twenty years? What skills and abilities will interpreters need to master to continue to provide efficacious work to deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing consumers of their work?
Due 15 April: Annotated Bibliography 3 due
Monday, March 22
Final Exam
Exam Covers everything learned in Units 1–11
Due Everything due (outlines, bibliographies, extra credit)