I am not currently teaching Introduction to Interpreting (ASL3310).
Please note: All information currently available on this site represents work and due dates relevant to a previous semester/course. Please check back during later semesters for updated information on this course. Thank you.Frequently Asked Questions
How does this class fit into the rest of the interpreting classes here at UVU?
ASL3310 is named Interpreting I (the first class in UVU’s interpreting class series), focusing on an introduction to bidirectional (ASL-to-English and English-to-ASL) interpreting between Deaf and nondeaf people. (If you were enrolled at UVSC (Utah Valley State College) prior to the Fall ’03 semester, ASL3310 was previously titled ASL4310.) Here’s where it currently fits into the program:
Course | Availability |
ASL3310: Introduction to Interpreting | Fall |
ASL3320: Physiology of Interpreting | Spring, Summer, Fall |
ASL3330: Cross-Cultural Interpreting | Spring |
ASL3340: Interpreting II—Advanced Techniques | Fall |
ASL3350: Consecutive Interpreting | on demand |
ASL3360: Simultaneous Interpreting | on demand |
ASL3370: Sign to Spoken English Interpreting | on demand |
ASL3380: Transliteration | on demand |
ASL3390: Professional Issues in Interpreting | on demand |
ASL4330: Visual Linguistic Analysis | on demand |
ASL4360: Legal Interpreting | on demand |
ASL370: Ethics for Interpreters | on demand |
ASL439R: Special Topics in Interpreting | on demand |
Read ASL class descriptions from the College Web site or if you’re interested in learning how these courses are applied towards your degree, contact ASL & Deaf Studies Coordinator, Dr. Bryan Eldredge (bryane (at) uvu.edu), LA003f; (801) 863-8529 V/VP.
Do you have any class notes or handouts on this site?
Most of the information in the teacher’s presentations and lecture outline is found in your text. Sometimes, specific class notes or charts may be distributed on an infrequent basis. These handouts are important; exam and discussion materials will also come from these resources. All of the class handouts and some lecture materials can be found on the schedule.
When does class meet?
Class time and period are MW 5:30–6:45 pm in LA 003. Read the syllabus for more information.
How can I contact the instructor?
The best way to contact me is via e-mail. Go to the contact page for more information.
How do I get a good grade in this class?
Course final grades are determined by combining both
- scores on all of the submitted assignments and exams
- in-class participation
More importantly, you should remember that making decisions in interpreting situations or producing interpreting work is really all about efficient and fluent problem solving: identifying and then applying knowledge to resolve communication differences.
While some portions of your coursework and exams will test for specific factual who-when-where information (‘remembering’ skills), far less important is your ability to regurgitate facts and figures. Instead, assignments and exams are designed to identify how well you internalize principles, cultural and technical knowledge, and process understanding, and then apply them to create solutions to various situations (‘applying’ and ‘analyzing’ skills). Learn more about higher-level learning at the FAQs page.
- Want to learn more about higher-level learning? Try Bloom’s (revised) Taxonomy or this list of action verbs based on Bloom’s. Skills higher up on the pyramid are necessary for equivalent interpreting; our class assignments and exams will require you to demonstrate performance on several levels. (Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.). (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Longman.)
Scoring criteria are clearly defined on assignment handouts or exams; you’ll know what you need to do to earn the grade you want. Ultimately, your grade is a reflection of personal effort and internalization of concepts learned in the course.
When are assignments due? When is the final? What’s on the quizzes? The exams?
All schedule-related questions can be answered on the class schedule. Final exams cannot be given early or on any other date than what is proscribed by the college. Please don’t ask. All written exams will consist of questions designed to test your knowledge of class lectures and important information found in the text and handouts. Read more on the assignments page.