I am not currently teaching ASL3360: Simultaneous Interpreting.
Please note: All information currently available on this site represents work and due dates relevant to a previous semester/course. Please check back during later semesters for updated information on this course. Thank you.This class site and content is currently being redesigned. Thanks for your patience.
About This Course
This course is an continuation of the process, skills, and theory required to produce spoken-English to signed and signed-to-spoken English language interpretations between Deaf and nondeaf people. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- demonstrate and self-monitor basic abilities required to create language interpretations of rehearsed and/or spontaneous texts:
- understand how principles of the Demand-Control Schema (DC-S) can undergird ethical and best-practice interpreting decisions
- increase competent usage of spoken English as source (sL) and target language (tL)
- describe and apply the cognitive tasks of pegging, chunking, linking, and monitoring to understand a discourse
- understand how dual-tasking and cognitive load theory impacts spoken language interpretation
- incorporate practical applications of non-judgemental language (Colonomos, Witter-Merrithew, et al.) in personal and colleague work product
- incorporate more advanced semantic choices and negotiation techniques, working with a variety of audience sizes and types
- understand and develop practical skills for working in a team dynamic
- recognize and properly address language difference in various genres (comedy, dramatic, age-appropriate, academic, legal, medical, literary/poetic, religious, entertainment, etc.)
- developing sets of technical or field-specific signs and applying these to interpretative work
- identify impacts on and incorporation of semantic choice, register, and ethical behavioral decisions in consecutive interpretations
A significant portion of this course requires self-directed efforts (asychronously working with other teammates) and fairly good command of web-based technologies and learning environments (video creation, salient discussion, and reporting skills; we’ll discuss this more in class).
This course requires a one-hour per week lab criteria; students should expect to spend at least an hour a week on skill-building exercises in a language laboratory setting.

What others have said about this course:
“...[T]he class is...tailored to the questions being posed in class and the skill level of the individual students.”
“...I really enjoy the safety of the class... when I make mistakes, I don't feel that my pride/ego has been abused.”
“...[T]his class... really changed how I feel about interpreting. I was pushed just the right amount.”
“...I learned a lot about processing and dual-tasking. It was helpful when [we] discussed the process that takes place in our brain while interpreting.”